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Article: Benefits of Royal Jelly

Benefits of Royal Jelly

Benefits of Royal Jelly

What is Royal Jelly?

A creamy white nutrient-rich honeybee secretion, 
Royal Jelly is the only food fit for a queen bee. Royal jelly contains royalactin, a protein which causes queen larva to grow 1 1/2 times the normal size, and makes queen bees very fertile and long-lived. Queen bees can live up to five years compared to a few weeks for worker bees which maybe why royal jelly is found in traditional anti-aging tonics.

Besides royalactin, royal jelly also contains C and B-complex vitamins, and a broad spectrum of protein-building amino acids, trace minerals, proteins, sugars, essential fatty acids and enzymes. Nutrient-rich, studies indicate that royal jelly protects skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet-B radiation which cause premature aging, wrinkling and discoloration of the skin.

Royal Jelly Improves Memory & Sleep

Royal jelly also contains acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter found in the autonomic nervous system and central nervous system where it acts as a neuromodulator enhancing memory, mental acuity and overall cognitive functions. Disruption in acetylcholine production is linked to memory loss, sleep issues, nervous anxiety and degenerative neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease. In a recent 6 month, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of 61 healthy volunteers, aged 42-83 years, and taking daily doses of 300 mg of royal jelly or placebo, significant improvement in red blood cell counts, glucose tolerance and mental health was noticed for those taking royal jelly.

Only Fresh Royal Jelly Will Do

Without refrigeration and careful processing, royal jelly starts to degrade after 48 hours. So, if you wish to reap the health benefits of royal jelly, make sure its fresh and buy only from people you trust. 1. Royal jelly protects against ultraviolet B-induced photoaging in human skin fibroblasts via enhancing collagen production.

J Med Food. 2011 Sep;14(9):899-906. Epub 2011. HM Park, E. Hwuang, E, et. al. 2. Effects of Royal Jelly Ingestion for six months on healthy volunteers.   Nutr J. 2012 Sep 21;11(1):77. H. Morita, T. Ikeda, et. al.

Note: This article should not be considered substitutes for professional medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific disease and is for informational purposes only. Bee products may cause allergic reactions in some individuals, consult your health care practitioner for guidance.